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Welcome to our easier online option for MedTec caregiver training.  In each quarter's training, we will help you improve your skills and introduce new caregiver resources.  As always, thank you for all of your compassion and hard work.  

All training needs to be completed by February 1st and will be paid out by the end of February.  Materials need to be reviewed and quizzes completed in order to get paid for the 9 hours of training.


Thanks to suggestions from certain staff members, we have created a page with contact info for the office team members.  This way, if you ever have a question, you can know who to reach out to!

Please click here to meet the office team


01 - Company Updates & Reimagining the Caregiver Role

  • Company updates - page 3

  • Reimagining the caregiver role - page 8

  • Helpful links for staff - page 18

02 - What can caregivers do to improve client safety?

03 - Protect yourself and your clients with vaccines

04 - Safe transferring techniques

05 - Complete the training quiz


Click on the slides below.  Expand.  Learn.
After reviewing the slides, please keep scrolling down to complete training.


What can caregivers do to improve client safety?

  1. Removing fall hazards: Take a look around for potential fall hazards (clutter in walkways, securing loose rugs with tape or slip-resistant backing, immediately clean spills, watch-out for upturned edges between carpets / rugs and the floor)

  2. Adequate lighting: Proper lighting plays a crucial role in preventing accidents & falls at home (especially dangerous for seniors)

  3. Knowing what to do in emergencies: In emergency medical situations, call 911.  Afterwards, alert your MedTec scheduler and the emergency contacts.  Know the emergency exits in the building in case of fire.

  4. Home modifications for family caregivers: The Illinois Department of Aging has grants which can help pay for home modifications for your loved one (handrails in bathroom, purchasing non-slip mats, adapting rooms to be on the ground floor, installing ramps for easy access).   If you think these would be helpful, contact your loved one's case manager and ask for a home modificiation!


Protect yourself & your clients with vaccines

  1. Vaccinating yourself helps protect clients with weaker immune systems from getting sick from their caregivers   

  2. Getting the flu and COVID vaccine will help protect you and other loved ones as well

  3. You can get vaccinated at your doctor's office, local pharmacy (e.g., CVS / Walgreens), or Costco


Safe Transferring Techniques

  1. Keep yourself and the client safe by only doing what you're able to do.  Please let your scheduler know if you cannot safely transfer the client!

  2. Practice proper techniques: Communicate what you are planning to do so the client works with you, use proper stance (use legs instead of back), pivot instead of twist body

  3. Keep distance short: bring equipment close and lock the brakes


Complete the training quiz

Thank you for reviewing all of our training materials.  To complete training, please complete the quiz here!

If you have any suggestions for future trainings, please let us know in the comment section of the quiz! Other questions?  Call us at 847-470-4701

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